Do you partake in “self love,” aka masturbation, often? In other words, is masturbation something you do on a regular basis? If yes, you are a modern man not laden with the guilt of ancient times. Unlike back in the day, when you did not mess around with masturbation.
Even though May is masturbation month, anytime is a good time to revisit those bygone days of the “masturbation free” past and to also thank your lucky stars we are free to masturbate!
According to, “self-love” was often vilified and, further, seen as an abomination toward God. Why was it such a sin? Because sex is THE means of reproducing, and really not to have “fun.” So if you were engaging in the act of self-pleasure, you were not benefiting the tribe, or society. In fact, by “wasting your seed,” you were not contributing to the population. Back in ancient times, population was scare, the death rate was high and it was vital to reproduce as much as possible for the survival of the tribe, either through means of helping with the farm, or adding to the population of the tribe in general.
According to Medieval Christians, not only was masturbation “sinning against nature,” but also strokers were condemned to the lowest level of hell. Since masturbation was “so unnatural,” it could only be absolved by bishops and their lieutenants. That’s some serious absolving for a bit of “stroking the bishop!”
Then, over the centuries, the superstition became out of control with claims that masturbating led to blindness, insanity and all types of illnesses.
Such wild superstitions led some to panic, and for others to lock themselves up in chastity.
Well, it’s time to celebrate your freedom to masturbate, and let yourself have some fun with your favorite pastime! Call the ladies of,
and enjoy having phone sex by masturbating!