There are physical differences between women and men that are obvious to everyone. One major difference that many people tend to overlook is that women have far more self-control than men. For example: the sexiest man alive could walk into the room and, though there’s a throbbing sensation felt between the legs, a woman has enough control to not let her “arousal” take over her head. Men on the other hand seem to always let their “head” take over their ability to think clearly. For this reason alone, men need a little help controlling their “heads” with penis chastity. So they are not popping up at the wrong moment.
The male penis is a very interesting instrument. While being a source of great pleasure, controlling the penis proves to be one of men’s greatest defeats. It often has a mind of its own that seems to get men into trouble from time to time. Women don’t buy the idea of a penis deciding what’s best for anyone. We can’t fathom how one sexual organ can temporarily render the rest of the human body useless. However, it happens and because it does, something has to be done about it.
There are really only two choices to assure that a man’s penis doesn’t take over his ability to think clearly. Complete denial or lock it up. Complete lifelong denial of orgasm is a rather harsh option that is usually a last resort. Locking up the penis, on the other hand, is extremely beneficial. Women understand that it is difficult to break away from old habits. Allowing the penis to have a mind of its own is a bad habit. Most men have no idea they even have it. But, they do. Locking it up, however, is the best way to break the bad habit while allowing the penis to still be accessible.
If it were up to men, they would walk around with their penis in their hand so that they would be able to masturbate at the first sign of a beautiful woman. The problem with this is there are far more beautiful women than men. Women appreciate the pleasures of the penis and we actually enjoy having some of them around. We don’t appreciate, however, the frustration that is caused when the penis takes over a man’s natural ability to think clearly and make wise decisions. Locking the penis up in a chastity device is a teaching method that many women resort to after continued attempts to teach a man self-control.
Women have tried many methods over the years to teach men to appreciate them and it seems that locking the penis up is the most effective method. Many women, in relationships with men who cannot control their penis, believe that if they find another man to satisfy their sexual desires, they would be able to teach their lover how to control themselves. While this method may be effective for some, men still find a reason to let their penis control their thoughts and body. So the attempt goes in vain.
When a woman makes the decision to lock up their lover’s penis and find another lover, the results are drastically different. Instead of being able to use the erotic visual stimulation to justify masturbation, men who are “locked up” must wait for release before they are able to return to their old habits. Over time, after lock up, a man appreciates ejaculating. They start looking forward to the opportunity.
During the process of having their penis “locked up,”some men are able to see the errors of their bad habits and self-control is born. They are able to resist the constant temptation to let their “penis” determine their next action. Even during actual masturbation and/or intercourse, they hold out longer than before. Something that was impossible before they learned the true meaning of self-control. Wearing a chastity device becomes easier for these men over time. And they eventually experience the highest level of pleasure from their penis.
Then there are some men who are incapable of getting over their bad habits. Their penis continues to be the first source of their decision making process. Until they surrender complete control of their penis, they cannot achieve a level of self-control that they have yet to discover. Women like me understand that these men need “lock up” on a regular basis.
The penis is a great source of pleasure and should be shared with everyone who can appreciate it. With that being said, until men are able to control themselves and their urges, there will always be a need to lock up the penis. As a matter of fact, I’m wearing a set of keys around my neck right now. . . .