The Most Amazing Promotion in LDW/Enchantrix History!
Mark your calendars for November 1st, and every day in November, because we’re bringing you what you might decide is the coolest LDW/Enchantrix promotion yet!
To celebrate LDW/Enchantrix’s 8th Anniversary (which is coming up at the end of November), each day in November we will bring you a different Featured Mistress of the day. On her “Feature” day, all previous callers to the service can have a free 10 minute call with the Featured Mistress.
Call me nuts but YES, that means that you can have a free 10 minute call every day in November, if you are a previous caller to our service as of 11/1/10.
Email me if you have any questions. Bookmark this site ( to see which Mistress is Featured Mistress of the day, every day in November.
Nope, it’s not a joke! It’s our way of saying thank you for being wonderfully kinky awesome fun guys to talk to for the past 8 years 🙂
If you enjoy your call (or even if you have some suggestions for improvement), it would be very much appreciated if you would take a moment to review your free call here at The Daily Cock, on the Review page of the Featured Mistresses that you spoke with during this Birthday Celebration promotion.
And if you are REALLY good boys for the whole month of November, I just might schedule myself in to be Featured Mistress of the day for a day in November…But you’d have to be really, REALLY good for something that special to happen *wink*
A Few Disclaimers
– The Featured Mistress will manage her own schedule and availability for the day. A few of our Mistresses have said that they’re going to try to be available for the entire 24 hour period. Free calls will be granted on a first come first served basis.
– If the Featured Mistress is on the phone when you call (very likely), I recommend that you request to schedule a callback, to secure your place in line
– Please let the dispatcher know at the start of your call whether you’d like to apply your 10 free minutes toward a longer call, or if you’d like your call to cut off at the 10 minute point
For an erotic phone sex session, dial 800-601-6975.
Must be 18+
Calls are $ per minute, with a 10 minute minimum
Discreetly billed to your credit card
Rate Your Call
Check out our new social network, Enchantrix Empire.
Thank You so much for this Mistress Ally. Its a wonderful way to meet so many Mistresses.
Thank-you Mistress Ally, This is a great promotion.Your web site is unparralled.It is the best in the adult entertainment world.Your mistresses are outstanding.Thank-you
Curtsey Ms Ally, Thank-you for a wonderful promotion and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to LDW! Curtsey…
Hey: Thank you ALLY! for the chance to have a session with YOU! I hope you do put yourself on. I always wanted to have a session with the one who created this wonderful site! The woman you have here are all so great. I just hope I don’t fall through the glass table again! LOL (Say hi to my friend Jasmine for me I am aDICKted to her.)
I am hoping to schedule at least one day this month to take calls, to celebrate our birthday. Watch out for the glass tables!!
It has been a long time since I called one of the Mistresses. How do I know if I’m still on your list?
Email me your name and I’ll check –
Or find me on Live Help
LDW mistresses ARE MY GIRLFRIENDS as well as my mistresses.
Well LDW is my girlfriend replacement.
was telling Ms Hunter that i think it is even cheaper.BTW she is brainwashing me.(did u know that)
You girls know me better than anyone on the planet.
that may not always be a good thing ?
speaking of cheap what r the odds of even getting through for a free call in nov.?
but you can bet your hot behind i will find out.
I hope i will be thanking u
But even if i don’t get through, Thanks for the opportunity.
how ironic it was just last week that i told Victoria that she was like a girlfriend.
and she wrote back that i couldn’t do a girl anygood anyway.
wasn’t that sweet
LOL Well Sweet, I don’t know, but it’s honest!
Your service has a Mistress robot? This I have to try.
Um.well…no, not a REAL Mistress robot but I could refer you to a few who could do a killer Mistress Robot rendition 🙂
What I meant to say is with mistresses you dont have to hear the dreaded words “we need to talk” Seriously though I dont need girlfriend snce Im calling mistresses of LDW, Ive already quit dating :). Looking forward to Nov for awesome 10 calls with LDW mistresses.
Hahah I knew what you meant, I was just teasing…When we say “we need to talk” it means something totally different. And usually it’s you saying it to US!
Awesome Idea!!!!Ive been calling for last 4-5 years and just did 2 calls withint he last 2 weeks!!!You have top notch mistresses MsAlly!!!!honestly I dont have girlfriend nor do I need one since I have “girlfriends” of LDW. No Drama,No Games, No Emotions.
“No drama no games” yes – no emotions? Haha all I can hear is “I am a Mistress robot get on your knees for me beep beep”
Ally, this is a mindblowing opportunity.
Thank You!!!!!
Question–are the free calls 10 minutes only, or can we pay for longer? I’d hate to limit myself to just 10 minutes with a Mistress…
You are certainly welcome to apply your free 10 minutes to a longer call.
Great offer. Thanks heaps. Will Empress Samantha be among the featured Mistresses? In fact is she still working with LDW? I haven’t seen her taking calls for a long time.
Hi Nicky!
Samantha will not be one of the featured Mistresses, but she’s still with us! If you email her at she’ll let you know what her schedule is.
And that’s on top of the Halloween Treats From The Headmistress goodie bucket!
Unheard of.
Amazing – but no – even more.
It’s a Fact!
I just heard about this tonight in a return e-mail from Empress Ally. I will be looking forward to this – especially around Thanksgiving. This is a fun and good service. My first time was yesterday and it was great. Thanks, Bill
You found us at exactly the right time, Bill! 10 days later and you’d have missed the “Previous Caller” qualification. Methinks you hit the femdom phone sex jackpot – and welcome!
Nope, you don’t have to have called the Mistress before. IN fact, one of the main benefits of Featured Mistress Month is you’ll get to try out a lot of different Mistresses that you’ve never talked to before 🙂
Is that if you’ve called the Mistress that is featured before, or any Mistress?!?
That sounds Great Empress Ally. You created a vast Empire of Beautiful Ladies for sure; The LDW Rocks.
Have a Wonderful Weekend and Enjoy Yourself.
Thanks, Billy – have a wonderful weekend yourself!
I have the best job in the world – it is my pleasure!!
Amazing promotion from a fantastic Company! Thanks again Ally for all you do!