Join Mistresses Brighton and Harper for the Cocksucker Confessional!
Coming up on May 30, 2018 at 8 pm Eastern time, you can join the Dirty Sisters of the Unholy Church of Cocks and Sissies (UCCS) for a special event in the Virtual World. Dress in your sissy best and bring your gender fluid selves and unspeakable desires to the holy font of all erotic joy, confess your perversions, and indulge in the Glory Hallelujah Hole for the amusement of the Naughty Nuns and fellow degenerate fuckers. Or, to put that a bit less “Southern Baptist”-ish, there’s going to be a Virtual World event featuring themes of blasphemy and cock sucking, with glory holes, rampant fucking, and a confessional that’s got a super secret surprise built in (a glory hole, there’s a glory hole in it. I’m so bad at surprises…)
You can join the kinky dirty fun by contacting either Brighton or Harper.
You can also head over to the Jack Off Club and register for your ticket. If we have fewer than 20 participants the event will last for 30 minutes. More than 20? You get an hour to suck and fuck to your hearts content! We’re building a special venue in the Virtual World to host our kinky fuckery, and your ticket gets you access to the venue, time spent with both Brighton and I with in-world voice chat, dirty audios from both of us, a special video made of the shenanigans within the world, and a special one on one session in the dirty confessional.
We highly recommend that if you have not played in the virtual world before, that you take the time to acclimate yourself!
Download the Firestorm Viewer and sign up for a free account. Then walk through the starter tutorial (because we can’t teleport you directly from there to our kinky fun, you have to actually do the bare beginner things!) Email either of us with your username in world, so that we can find you and help port you up to our kinky wonderland.
Please remember: this event will feature kinky nuns in a defiled church doing unspeakably sexy things with sluts, whores, cock suckers, and perverts of all stripes. Attend at your own comfort level and risk!
We will see you at church, on Wednesday May 30, 2018 at 8 pm Eastern time for the Cock Sucker Confessional! Confess, commune, and cock worship like your soul depended on it.