Hi there cock control fans Mistress Erika here with a kinky way to spend some of your summer! I’m going to have summer school! This summer you can practice and master the art of orgasm edging and I’m going to make it super easy for you to do so! Let’s take a look.
Orgasm Edging for Better Sex Classes
You know orgasm edging lends to explosive orgasms. And you’ve found out you can only get so far by yourself. Let’s discuss your thoughts. Telling (or showing me) what you already do to control your orgasm. What your current limits are, and we will decide on goals. Rewards are generously given, when lessons are taken seriously and progress is made.

I’m getting your lesson plan ready. Edge for me!
Orgasm Edging Lessons
From that first session, I can warm you up, and work you over and really test what you’ve said about your edging experience, in a session to get a real taste of your abilities. We’ll also decide on a schedule. I understand that free time is at a premium and I’ll be sensitive to those circumstances, and be as flexible as possible. Once a week, once every other week whatever frequency and duration we set. Each lesson will find you with homework until the next lesson. Edging with a Mistress takes on a whole new level than edging alone. If you are a fan of self edging, you will be blown away when an additional element is added.
Some conditions apply:
You have to commit to at least 4 sessions during the time summer school is in session!
Summer school is : June 1- July 31.
You will receive your lesson plan after our first session and you will also be allowed one email correspondence per lesson, for follow up and questions.
You will receive one 5 minute JOI and guided masturbation audio, and naughty picture as a graduation gift after successfully completing your course.
Hope you make this summer the summer of edging and explosive orgasms! Even if you are unsure, don’t hesitate to call and discuss your concerns! It’s not like I have some kind of feminine mystical power to draw you into my sexual web and never allow you to venture onto vanilla grounds again. Right?
Until we chat,
Cock Control Mistress,
Intelligent Phone Fantasy
To call Mistress Erika, click HERE.
Visit Ms. Erika’s blog: www.intelligentphonefantasy.com
For an erotic phone sex session, dial 800-601-6975.
Must be 18+
Calls are $ per minute, with a 10 minute minimum
Discreetly billed to your credit card
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That is one summer school I’d love to attend.
If only I could find the time…