I am so honored to be the very first Mistress of the month! Thank you for taking the time to Nominate me. I love being a member of the Enchantrix Empire community and I am honored to be the first Mistress of the Month. You all know how I like to pop cherries and be the first! Hee hee

When it comes to kinky sex. I am all for it. I love CFNM, and Cuckolding is my first love and is what I discovered before anything else.

Ruined orgasms are something else I accidentally stumbled upon and have been enjoying ever since! I love guiding a guy through his masturbation and using my wicked creativity to spur him on and tease him during a masturbation session.

I do love cock edging and using the natural cock tease that I am to my full advantage. I love sissies and crossdressers. Trans people have a special place in my heart and I will always be on their side. I find inclusion important.

I have a good time with panty bois. I am into food fetishes and cum eaters are especially hot! I also enjoy cock suckers! I also Love offering cock sucking training!

I am a sensual mistress, and a quirky, creative mistress but I do have a strict side. I can be quite tough when I need to be.

If I am not talking about sex or getting it on with you. I enjoy talking about other subjects as well..I love to read and right now I am reading, Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ All-Times Greatest Hits. By Mark Binelli. I love all forms of music. Especially the blues. I am also a big history lover. I am into photography and always lusting after cameras. I am saving for one. I really am!

I meditate and do yoga. I love walking my dogs. I swim every day and ride my bike. I enjoy chrystals and am drawn to Tantric Sex Practices. Another fun fact about me is my nickname in my personal circle is Sunshine!! I enjoy cooking and baking and not many people can claim both. You usually meet someone that is good at one and not the other. I am great at both.

I enjoy learning and listening to everything my callers share with me that they feel passionate about. From music and books to of course Kinky subjects as well.

I enjoy arts and crafts and some people tease me that I am the Martha Stewart of kink! One thing you must know about me is I am not a fan of multi-tasking and can’t do it. So, when I do a session with you. You get all of my attention.

Now you know a little more about me and of course, I invite you to give me a call during my Mistress of the Month to get to know me even better!

As a special thank you to every one of my callers in the month of April who provides me with an e-mail address to contact them at…you will receive an exclusive Erotic Audio with a sexy slide show.

You can find out more about Princess Andi

on her blog https://www.phonesexprincessblog.com/

You can also find her and our other ladies

at Enchantrix Empire!

For an erotic phone sex session, dial 800-601-6975.
Must be 18+
Calls are $ per minute, with a 10 minute minimum
Discreetly billed to your credit card
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