Hello, I am Mistress Erika your Mistress of the Month For December 2024 and it’s my Anniversary! What an honor and I’m so pleased that my friends, pets, and fans have voted for me for Mistress of the Month. It feels like a giant hug, Thank you! I am beyond thrilled!

After all, we have a plethora of Enchantrix Mistresses to choose from every month, so I’m sure it was hard to pick just ONE! Since it is ALSO my Anniversary month it’s going to be CHOCK full of naughty opportunities for you to taste what others have! Or savor once again your Mistress’ delight as I push your buttons and pull your strings

I think my reviews speak for themselves! Even though their kink may not align with yours, you can see how they enjoyed themselves! Check them out: Mistress Erika’s Reviews! So thank you, Enchantrix Empire I appreciate and savor your support!

Intelligent Phone Fantasy 18+The Woman Behind The Mistress Moniker

One of my favorite things about being Mistress of the Month is the opportunity to meet new people! For those who may not know me, a few words on me, by me! For those who do know me, perhaps no surprises. We’ll see!

I love what I do, and happy I made the switch! No, I don’t much switch D/s, don’t get too excited! I meant from the corporate brick-and-mortar/ M-F 9-5 grind! I was successful at what I did but it was high-stress, and even though I excelled, I didn’t like it. So a few years ago, through a naughty grapevine, I landed here in LDW / Enchantrix land and I can’t imagine doing anything else!

Naughty Time

Some might categorize my past as a sordid past, and I think I’d like that!  While I was playing Jane Doe Business Woman , I was also playing with men and enjoyed learning and engaging in a multitude of erotic ways. Some were D/s in nature, others just plain kink! Suffice it to say I’ve enjoyed men at my service, for many years in a lifestyle dynamic, and excited I’m able to translate all that hotness to what I do here!
I am generally easygoing and enjoy being playful. But don’t mistake that for being a pushover, some make that critical error. They no longer take that step.

As much as I enjoy my work here with distance domination and have become the confidant of many, I’ve always been that person people go to when they need to share their secrets. Trusting and feeling safe to confide in because of my open mind and non-judgemental spirit.  Conversely, if you enjoy being judged, ridiculed, and whipped either physically mentally, or both, it’s game on!

What I do now fulfills something in my life that was always missing, I get to do it all. How lucky am I? Not only do I get to run my business and all the nuts and bolts of doing so (that I enjoy in limited amounts! LOL) I also get to be playful, strict even domineering.  There’s a huge component of education I was happily surprised to find when first taking sessions.

The Weekly Hot Spot 18+

The Weekly Hot Spot

I co-host a popular weekly podcast with Mistress Olivia of Experienced Mistress. Each week we talk about what you are talking about! We welcome questions and comments from our fans and callers, and discuss them on the show! To best describe the show, it’s in our intro. Welcome to the Weekly Hot spot Kink conversation, BDSM advice, and insight from the worlds of distance domination and phone sex. Look for it on your favorite podcast platform or click here: The Weekly Hot Spot.

Intelligent Phone Fantasy Blog

Since you made it this far in my little diatribe, why not open the link

to my blog: Intelligent Phone Fantasy and check out the sexy fun over there! My schedule, how to contact me, audio samples, and more! I am sure you’ll enjoy your time there!

Don’t go there now, oh no no no! Wait! I have something you’ll want to stay for.

Erika intelligent Phone Fantasy

December Bonus When You Call Me

For December When you session with me, you can receive five free minutes to your paid session! When you call dispatch ask to speak with Mistress of the Month Erika, and
could they add the five free? It’s that simple.

If you like to text or  Skype, hit me up in chat, and I’ll fill you in on how that works.

It’s My Anniversary, Too!
There has to be more, right?

With your 60-minute (or longer) session Via Skype/texting,
I will add 10 minutes to our session, right then on me!

You must use our sexy texting payment option.
No, you cannot combine the company 5 Free! One offer per call. Sorry.

Do you usually call for a shorter time? Or can’t use sexy texting? Then you want this option:

Session with me in December, I’ll add up all your minutes, if your total equals or exceeds 90 minutes, I’ll give you ten free to use in January.

All you have to do is Mention My anniversary blog and ask if you can get in on that sexy action!
*Offers cannot combine choose the option best for you

Ready? Set? Let’s Connect!

Mistress Erika 18+


All music produced by Jason Shaw on AudionautiX

For an erotic phone sex session, dial 800-601-6975.
Must be 18+
Calls are $ per minute, with a 10 minute minimum
Discreetly billed to your credit card
Rate Your Call

Check out our new social network, Enchantrix Empire.