Ms Claire’s Cock Control Profile
Ms Claire’s Blog

Have You Had a Call with Ms Claire? Use the Comments below to leave a review!


  1. Date of your call*: 09/30/2024

    Which Mistress(es) did you call? Please select all that apply.*: Claire

    Please rate your call on a scale of 1-10*: 10

    Would you call these Mistresses again?*: Yes

    How helpful and friendly was your dispatcher, on a scale of 1-10?*: 10

    Thank you to Claire for an outstanding conversation! Claire is intelligent, reassuring, and creative. Our call was a great experience for me, and I hope to talk again with her.

  2. Date of your call*: 05/31/2024

    Which Mistress(es) did you call? Please select all that apply.*: Claire

    Please rate your call on a scale of 1-10*: 10

    Would you call these Mistresses again?*: Yes

    How helpful and friendly was your dispatcher, on a scale of 1-10?*: 10

    She knows how to emasculate!

    • Yes I do. And you know you’re supposed to be smooth as a Ken doll down there!

  3. Date of your call*: 11/18/2023

    Which Mistress(es) did you call? Please select all that apply.*: Claire

    Please rate your call on a scale of 1-10*: 10

    Would you call these Mistresses again?*: Yes

    How helpful and friendly was your dispatcher, on a scale of 1-10?*: 10

    Sexy, smart, funny

  4. Call date: 2023-7-17

    Mistress: Claire

    Rating from 1 – 10: 10

    Dispatcher rating: 10

    Would you call mistress again?: yes / absolutely

    Would you call service again?: yes / absolutely

    No? Why?:

    Suggestions: Claire This will be a duplicate review for Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra as on July 17th, i had a two Mistress call with two of the most beautiful Mistresses on the planet. Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra are two of the most accomplished Mistresses you will find anywhere. i will discuss their capabilities throughout the message. Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra are the meaning of what being Femdom represents. Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra are experienced, knowledgeable in all things Femdom, comfortable in who they are; confident in their abilities. Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra cannot fail in a Mistress / sissy relationship. Yes, it is true on an occasion a sissy will indicate that the stated goals have not been realized. At that point the sissy must be open and honest regarding two questions; was the assignment given by Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra to difficult, not in compliance with the sissy\’s expectation or just out of reach for the sissy; at that point it is incumbent on the sissy to review the initial Mistress / sissy discussions and the established plateau to be reach; when the time came to complete Mistress Claire’s and Mistress Cassandra’s assignments did the sissy never anticipate or expect the level of guidance, development and training that was being provided by Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra; Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra did not fail, the sissy situation was due to the sissy’s miscommunication and misunderstanding of the difference between real life Mistress / sissy relationship and fantasy land. Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra are focused on everything they do within the Mistress / sissy relationship; they are supportive to the sissy; they take great care and responsibility for the overall welfare and good of their sissy; they are protective of their sissy; they are kind and considerate of their sissy; they provide the foundation of trust with and to their sissy; i have mention Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra are beautiful; you simply need to review their profile to witness two of the most beautiful Femdom’s around; their beauty does not stop with their pictures, they are beautiful within their soul, their entire being; this beauty is translated through their approach of the Mistress / sissy relationship; i have experienced the true Mistress Cassandra and Mistress Claire, i am proud to call these two Mistresses my Mistress, my friend, my protector and my partner in my feminization and sissification journey – thank you Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra. i have experienced many individual and two Mistress sessions with Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra; none were scripted; none were duplicated of a previous session; never disappointing; and they are not all about the sexual part of the Mistress / sissy relationship ; they are real; they are about growth and development; every time i feel we have reached a feminization / sissification comfort, Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra will provide another unexpected, exciting and fabulous feminine sissy assignment; i have come to realize and accept that Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra have an unlimited bag of Femdom happiness; i have learned to place trust in Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra; that they only have good intentions of reaching our initial parameters; through their Femdom education and years of experience they are opening doors to a wonderful and untraveled life that would have remained closed without Mistress Claire’s and Mistress Cassandra’s development, training and guidance with our Mistress’s / sissy feminization and sissification journey i hope you can tell from this post that my July 17th two Mistress session with Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra was another great and wonderful experience, a total success of enhancing our Mistress / feminine sissy relationship; most of all it left me with wanting more, wanting and needing to be with Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra, to allow their continuing femininization and sissification of their feminine sissy samantha. Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra, i will be completing the first of many of your new July 17th assignment this afternoon, that being dressed in my feminine sissy lingerie (panties, garter belt, stockings and camisole) under my vanilla street clothes and stepping out for a pink drink; only one thing left to say Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra, thank you for being my Mistress; i love being your feminine sissy samantha Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra, i hope you are pleased, amused and proud; i want to be your good feminine sissy gurl; i want to be owned by and the property of Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra; Mistress Claire’s and Mistress Cassandra’s feminine sissy samantha

  5. Mistress: Claire

    Rating from 1 – 10: 10

    Dispatcher rating: 10

    Would you call mistress again?: yes / absolutely

    Would you call service again?: yes / absolutely

    No? Why?:

    Suggestions: i will be writing two Reviews as this was a two Mistress call; Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra. Both reviews will be similar, in fact almost identical as both Mistresses were fantastic, wonderful, special, giving, sharing, amazing and strong Femdom’s with the ability to continually support each other’s presence within the ongoing sessions events; the entire session was just an overall great Mistress feminine sissy experience. before my call with a Mistress i always review my Mistress LDW main page and blog and especially looking at pictures of my Mistress; i recognized being a feminine sissy i can never be close to the beauty of my Mistress; it does help to have an appreciation and mental image for the beauty of my Mistress; Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra has beauty beyond belief; by reviewing my Mistress’s LDW information i have a sample for Mistress’s feminine sissy focus; i was not disappointed in any way regarding my expectations during our call all of my mental pictures were magnified with the initial Hello from Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra; Mistress’s voice was compelling, reassuring while comforting; i immediately knew i had the right Mistresses, that i was in good Femdom hands; Mistresses knowledge and experience transcended throughout our Mistress feminine sissy session; all of Mistresses qualities represented a true and powerful Femdom; a Femdom that was confident in Her position, Her abilities and confident that She was in control; a Mistresses that by Her presence and mannerisms to the feminine sissy require respect being granted and given to Mistresses; Mistresses had a sense of knowing what to say, when to provide feminine sissy humiliation; what service to have feminine sissy perform and to know exactly when to have various feminine sissy activities performed to maximize feminine sissy’s greatest experience throughout the session; most of all this established the foundation of trust for going forward. Mistresses provided detailed follow-up assignments to be completed by feminine sissy that will enhance and be the foundation going forward for Mistress’s development, training and guidance for feminine sissy samantha’s femininization and sissification journey. yes, this is only the initial stage and the beginning of a long ongoing Mistress feminine sissy samantha\’s journey Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra, i hope you are pleased – amused – proud – i want to be your good feminine sissy gurl – i want to be owned by and the property of Mistress Claire and Mistress Cassandra – Mistress Claire’s and Mistress Cassandra’s feminine sissy samantha

    • Oh, sissy samantha – it was so much fun playing with your for the first time! And I did notice that you, me and Mistress Cassandra did indeed have excellent 3-way chemistry! I look forward to next time…keep taking those sexy selfies!

  6. Call date: 2021-07-13

    Mistress: Claire

    Rating from 1 – 10: 10

    Dispatcher rating: 10

    Would you call mistress again?: Yes, I was taken for a ride!

    Would you call service again?: Yes, then dropped off Humiliationland

    Suggestions: The next day after our EPIC 2 Mistress session Mistress Claire took me for a spin all to herself! What an angel! When Mistress Claire takes you for a spin it’s with the top down, arms up, cheering, singing her rhyming chant she made up for me on the spot in our 2 Ms session the day before! She started in on me right away with her enthusiasm for the Big Tease. She made it My Way or the Highway without ever having to say it! Just hit the gas and go! Floor it!, which is exactly what she made me do next! “Oh fuck that melon Slut! Give it a good time! ha ha ha ” Singing her song, calling me all kinds of names to soften me up for her fun, humiliating me telling me what to do! LAUGHING LAUGHING LAUGHING, CLICK CLICK CLICK as she shot pics and video while she played with me. “C’mon, jerk it… There you go, Work it Jerk Toy ha ha ha!… that’s it open your mouth, you got your tongue out over the plate, that’s it Slutty Cum Eater! Are you gonna blow?
    When I finally shot my cum at my face and all over the plate she let out a big laughing cheer! “HA HA HA HA HA HA! I know none of it’s gonna go to waste, start licking Slutty Cum Eater!” I loved her playful humiliation of me, making me frantic all the way through our call. It was an E-ticket ride! Thank you Mistress EClaire! 3 CHEERS TO YOU ! D the Slutty Cum Eater

  7. Call date: 2021-7-12

    Mistress: Claire

    Rating from 1 – 10: 10

    Dispatcher rating: 10

    Would you call mistress again?: I already did, the next day

    Would you call service again?: Well, fuck, Claire has me now

    No? Why?: No? ha ha ha ha!

    Suggestions: THEY LITERALLY WIPED THE FLOOR WITH ME! Mistress Hunter and Mistress Claire!
    I am just barely coherent enough to send out my message. Do not sign up for Mission CUMPossible with Mistress Hunter and Mistress Claire! It’s a trap! Run while you still can! There is no getting out of it once you do. It is a one way street down a dark alley. I walked it and I warn you. Unless your plans are to be taken over and dragged into Pleasure Hell. Their pleasure. Your hell! Mission CUMPossible? NO! It is Mission Impossible because escape is impossible!
    Their goal, to recruit, draw in the easy ones first, lay the groundwork, have their fun under the guise of missions then go after us poor unsuspecting souls later. It is mission CONTROL, for THEM! They are subjucatores! SUBJUCATORES! Sign up for Mission CUMPossible and you will hear the high heeled footsteps of a couple FBI-like agents coming up behind you each day, taking turns for 30 days. You will never see them, they softly murmur their missions from the shadows. You turn to look and they are gone.
    They are well versed in FBI, CIA and ATF tactics but not what you think. FBI Femdom Body Investigation. They will strip you down for inspection. CIA Cum Instruction Antics. All play for them. ATF Ally’s Top Females. She trains them to be the best in the world. LDW Ladies Domination Worldwide is their organization and objective.
    They are not unlike Charlie’s Angel’s but these are Alley’s Angels, her Enchantrix’s and all of it falls under the larger umbrella of The Enchantrix Empire. IT IS AN EMPIRE! These LDW Agents are much more astute, cool and calculating than any other. Their female intuition is unparalleled. Their Academy is designed not to teach you lessons in spy tactics. They will teach you a good lesson in humility and female domination, female supremacy so don’t be fooled. They are much too skilled to resist.
    You will be sent on missions. I am both sworn to secrecy about these missions and fear their punishment if I do speak up because I know they can get to me anytime, anywhere but I can reveal some were in public, some were to set you up and most were humiliating. They work together, then once they have you? It is doom! They send in the familiar to soften you up. Agent Hunter already knew me from years of calling her. SHE is the one who suggested I sign up. I was enticed by the glory of serving but blinded by it as well. I did serve. I was served to them on a silver platter then I ended up serving them! For THEIR fun! That is their true mission. I should have known! I mean her name is “Hunter” and she has hunted me with great prowess for years!
    Agent Claire I didn’t know but found out very quickly why Agent Hunter teamed up with her. She seems very casual, like the girl next door casual at times. A ruse designed so you let your guard down! Agent Mistress Claire knows what’s up. Claire is like a cheerleader with a little humiliation twist and she infused their fun with a humiliating rhyme. Oh! Her rhyme for me was perfect! She sang it, all the way through my cum hazing! SO WONDERFUL!
    I finally called for our session, fully surrendering to them on cam and hoping for mercy but got none. It was my undoing. I was fully exposed under the glaring light of Skype then was interrogated in the form of a hazing. I had taken way too long to report after completion of the missions so they really poured it on. Agent Mistress Hunter immediately started in on me. She told Agent Claire everything! Everything about me while I stood there with a melon, a hole cut in it. They talked as if I wasn’t there at first. They would discuss their little ideas for fun then issue commands. Their tools of torture? The melon, plate, spoon. straw, shot glass, ladle and a huge glass dish, crackers and cheese. and they used it all on me. Their tools of tease? Their wit, imaginations, their love for power and play time humiliation and girls night.
    FUCK IT! Fuck the melon they said then would chit chat with each other, comment, issue more orders, laugh, make more humiliating comments on and on. Dip your face, grab the ladle, take a sip, now drink, the straw, yes the straw, SLURP IT SLUT!, get the glass, the crackers and cheese! ha ha ha! The ladle again, pour it! AGAIN! but with your mouth open this time!!! Again!!! ha ha ha! Get on your knees! They had me up standing, fucking the melon, on my knees, sitting, down on the floor. They wore me out and laughed. Claire singing and laughing the whole time, Hunter LAUGHING HARD because she was showing Claire how much fun can be had with me! They made a real mess of things. WTF. They didn’t have to clean it up. I DID! But not before I slipped in spilt cum, then they laughed, then ordered me to clean it up.
    They literally wiped the floor with me! Made me lick my cum off the floor for them while Agent Mistress Hunter got pics of my tongue right down on the floor! LAUGHING LOUD! Humiliating me, Claire joining in! NO mercy! And now they have me for life! I was completely used up! I was exhausted and it was all mere play for them! THAT is how good they both are. So good it wasn’t fair! I will be forced to behave now. That is what they did TO ME and I finished! I shudder to think what they would have done if I failed to complete the CUMPossible missions!
    I have said too much. An Enchantrix Empire-wide warrant will be issued on me for blowing the whistle on this. There is no escape for me, I will never be released, there will be a knock at my door or a ring of my phone soon, I’ll get messaged and I will be ordered to appear front and center to be grilled on what I have said. Mercilessly teased, taunted, tortured, played with and laughed at again. Running for me is pointless, I have tried but they already know me too well. I will wait for them and accept my fate. But you, you still have a chance. Farewell my fellow Mission CUMPossible victims.
    … OH NO! They have found me as I write this…I must go… they are here! I. have. been. thoroughly. brainwashed. and. Reprogrammed “You-must-sign-up-for-Mission-CUMPossible-then-enjoy-being-the-play-toy-of-two-of-the-most-
    wonderful-Mistresses.- GO NOW…THEY-WAIT. IT IS YOUR FATE”

  8. Call date: 2021-7-23

    Mistress: Claire

    Rating from 1 – 10: 10

    Dispatcher rating: 10

    Would you call mistress again?: Yes

    Would you call service again?: Yes

    Suggestions: Once again, Mistress Claire was outstanding. She listened to my confession of extraordinary sissy slut activities and suddenly took over at just the right time. All of a sudden she says, “Samantha, let me ask you something.” “Yes, mistress” Out of the blue she says “You ARE wearing panties for me tonight, aren’t you?” I was, even though I don’t always wear panties. The way she asserted herself and on that subject. It blew my mind and, almost instantly, it blew my load. Claire is great. It her subtlety that catches me off guard and makes a good call great. Thanks Mistress Claire.

  9. Call date: 2021-07-08

    Mistress: Claire

    Rating from 1 – 10: 10

    Dispatcher rating: 10

    Would you call mistress again?: Yes

    Would you call service again?: Yes!

    Suggestions: My 2nd Pass the Penis call of the night was with Claire, and she was amazing. She loved the idea of getting a message from my previous mistress call (Audrey) and had a great idea for my next one. I can’t take much more denial tonight, but I love it!

  10. Call date: 2021-7-1

    Mistress: Claire

    Rating from 1 – 10: 10

    Dispatcher rating: 10

    Would you call mistress again?: Yes

    Would you call service again?: Yes

    Suggestions: My call on Thursday night with Mistress Claire was wonderful. I had the opportunity to dress up like the sissy slut that I am and go out to the glory hole arcade at the local adult bookstore. Just lingerie. Camisole, panties, garter belt and hose, high heels, wig, and makeup. I drove to the bookstore dressed and shopped in the store for 15-20 minutes before going into the arcade. It was a wonderful outing and I stayed three hours. I had a very exciting time and I know that I made the evening very interesting and often exciting for the other patrons of the arcade. \r\nI came home on an adrenaline high and called Mistress Claire, telling her every detail. She devoured them all and told me with enthusiasm what an incredible sissy slut and whore I am. I reveled in the experience of reliving the evening with her and she brought it all to a fantastic climax with deep guttural groaning and growling coming from within. As I lay in a quasi-catatonic state, Mistress Claire made a very insightful and meaningful comment characterizing me and my activities that convinced me that she had been paying careful attention and had seen right into and through me. The comment was well worth all the calls I have had with her. Mistress Claire is great at this.

    • I love being your kinky confessional after a good slutty night out! I’m glad the adult arcade had a good turn-out that night 😉

  11. Call date: 2020-5-7

    Mistress: Claire

    Rating from 1 – 10: 10

    Dispatcher rating: 10

    Would you call mistress again?: Yes

    Would you call service again?: Yes

    No? Why?: I did a pass the penis with Scarlet, Daphne and Claire they were all amazing.

    Suggestions: Hello and thank you. I had the best phone sex call I ever had and I’m a 50 year old who has been calling phone sex services for years. Normally I call and I have to a carry a conversation and often girls say they are open and into anything and they just aren’t. This service is a little more price wise than others I used in the past but the service was what I really wanted. You do get what you pay for and it was well worth it !!! I did a pass the penis call with Scarlet, Daphne and Claire. In that order, I wished it was hours with each as each were amazing. They spoke to me about my fetishes and give me great conversations. Each one played along and had so much fun … what could be better than to get to talk to 3 women who each enjoy and are into their jobs. They all had fun with me and I’m sorry I forgot her name but the display girl was fantastic as well she helped me have the call I wanted, She was even exciting and thrilling to speak with. Only way I had the call I want was to share secrets with her and she set up the perfect call. They say size matters but I think they enjoyed that fact that I have a 3 inch penis. They all played with me and made me feel so good. First class phone sex. I love this site !!! So happy found it and I’ll be back soon. Amazing phone sex !!! Best I’ve ever had.

    • What’s not to enjoy about passing around a tiny penis?? I’m glad you had as much fun as we did!

  12. Call date: 2019-05-28

    Mistress: Claire

    Rating from 1 – 10: 10

    Dispatcher rating: 10

    Would you call mistress again?: Yes!

    Would you call service again?: Yes!

    Suggestions: Miss Claire almost instantly had me cornered,- and confessing in an almost endless stream. She instinctively seemed to know what buttons to push in my (simple) mind to get me going,- and i must say i truly enjoyed the whole session! Thank You Miss Claire,- and may You continue to enlighten us betas in the future!

  13. Call date: 2019-02-25

    Mistress: Claire

    Rating from 1 – 10: 10

    Dispatcher rating: 10

    Would you call mistress again?: YES

    Would you call service again?: Yes

    Suggestions: Mistress Claire is a great addition to LDW. She has the perfect combination of beauty,smarts and dominance. She was right about all my friends cumming and not caring about me having to clean it all up. I would give her a 100 rating if possible. Looking forward to talking to her again.

  14. Call date: 2019-2-19

    Mistress: Claire

    Rating from 1 – 10: 10

    Dispatcher rating: 10

    Would you call mistress again?: Yes

    Would you call service again?: Yes

    No? Why?:

    Suggestions: Mistress Claire is a great Mistress. I am a little dicked loser who she humiliated. She also told me that all my friends will cum and not care that i will end up cleaning up after them. I am going to find out this weekend if she is right and tell her what happened. Thanks Mistress Claire.


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