by The Daily Cockstresses | Nov 15, 2017 | Cock Radio
This week on the Naughty Realm show I have guest Mistresses Maura and Jacqueline joining me live on air to answer your questions. You can send any questions in beforehand (just email them to me or you can just join us in the chat room at...
by The Daily Cockstresses | Oct 22, 2017 | Cock Radio
Send in your questions for Whore School special guest Mistress Erika to, and then listen for the answers. You can interact live, during the show.
by The Daily Cockstresses | Oct 3, 2017 | Cock Radio
As you know, I’m the host of Whore School, Cock Radio’s top show for adult sex education. Oh, you didn’t know that? Well, are you in for a treat! I’ve got 70 episodes up for your enjoyment, each an hour long, and chock full of information on...
by The Daily Cockstresses | Sep 28, 2017 | Cock Radio
Howdy, from rainy Texas! Not Houston rainy, and not the kind of rain that can stop a cyber parade either. Mistresses and Enchantrix Empire members have been posting their pet pictures, and they are adorable! I have found it very touching that, just because pets pass...
by The Daily Cockstresses | Sep 20, 2017 | Cock Radio
Tonight, Wednesday September 20th, there will be a birthday bash for Ms. Constance and Ms. Hunter at 8pm eastern. This will replace the Kink Korner show. How to join us We will be in our adult kink chat room at 8 pm and you will want to tune into the live podcast...